User Activity

Hi there. I've been using the r5 for studio/fashion work, but yesterday I decided to go with the r and 24 105 f4l, both of them with the latest firware. I was using godox strobes (please dont tell me sbout 3rd party stuff because canon doesnt provide...
Hi canon. I bought an r5 for about a year and have been using it for fashion, advertising and landscapes, so slow and posed stuff. For other things I use the r to throw it everything and a 90d because I favour dslrs (saving for a 5div). But now I hav...
Hi canonMe and other users, that agreed with me on a thread on reddit and on other posts we can find online, are having problems with the camera behavior regarding to the eyepiece sensor, and, as my first milc I have been very annoyed the way the cam...
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