My Pro 200 produces prints only distantly related to what shows on the display: darker and far less color vibrance. For this kind of money, the printer should live up to its advertising, si? We have tried everything a novice can do, texted with peopl...
Probably my fault (that's my wife you hear in the background, saying, "PROBABLY?!!), but I cannot find the path to turning off Printer Controls Printing/Colors and letting Photoshop do the work. Mine is an older version of PShop; maybe that's it. My ...
Nope; on a PC. A friend had a similar problem with his Pro 100 and was advised to switch out all inks. That solved his problem. I did the same: no change. I wonder if reinstalling the Pro 100 (with defaults) would remedy the situation?
I changed to Printer Manages Colors in the print dialog box (File>Print), but still sepia when matte paper is selected.A message below "Pinter Manages Colors" states, "remember to enable the printer's color management in the print settings dialog box...