I agree with everyone else, offering a bit more info within the forums would narrow down what this issue is. but I have a feeling this issue is more about the lens you're using or the lens is not suited for the distance you've selected. A ggod way to...
Without knowing what camera you have, I believe this post from 2012-2016, may shead some light onto your issue. https://community.usa.canon.com/t5/PowerShot/Problem-getting-quot-Camera-Connect-quot-to-work-with-my/td-p/147801 According to Barry56 he...
The Samsung U3 mirco SD card is a good card, but not designed for your Powershot s100. The owners manual and other sites clearly do not define how much storage one can accumulate, (somewhere between 2GB - 2TB) but does define that the cards must be S...