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Synch Trouble with 2 430 EX III RT and a 600 EX II RT




I've followed the manual's instructions to set up the 600 as a master and the 2 430s as slaves.


They link together and all.


I used RT, put a manual ID and group that is identical in all 3.


When I press the flash button on the master, there is a delay before the 2 slaves activate (less then a second).


If I put the 600 on my T6 while in master mode, turn them on sequentially and try to use the T6, the camera appears to lockup and I have to cycle the power on it.


I haven't tested it on my 6d yet since I hit that issue.


Does the T6 support Master/Slave configs in RT or should I stick with the 6d for these types of flash uses?


I can confirm the T6 works properly when I turn off Wireless on the 600 and use it with the camera.


I have a big tradeshow coming up in 2 weeks where I'll be taking some group photos and I want to have a couple slave flashes positioned strategically so I get even lightning of those groups.





So, I did some tests with my 6D, the 600 ex II RT as the Master, and the 2*430 ex III RT as slaves, all using wireless RT and it synch is flawless.


So either the T6 does not like the 600 ex II RT in RT Master mode or I'm doing something wrong with that camera.


Anyway, as long as my 6d works flawlessly with the 3 flashes, I'm good for my tradeshow group photos in 2 weeks.




Power up the camera last.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."