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Speedlite Transmitter ST-E3-RT not connecting to EOS R6 consistently


I’m really struggling to get my #Speedlite Transmitter ST-E3-RT to connect consistently. I’ve checked channels and ID. My transmitter says “sender” instead of “master”. Does that mean the same thing? If not, how do I change this setting? 


Accepted Solutions


If the link light on the ST-E3-RT and your Speedlite are both green then it's possibly a camera setting that is prevent the flash from firing.

The EOS R6 cannot trigger a flash when the shutter mode is set to electronic. You'll find this setting on the SHOOT6 menu. it should be set to either Elec. 1st-curtain electronic or mechanical. 

Secondly check SHOOT2 menu, at the bottom of the page is External Speedlite Control, select that and make sure the Flash firing is set to Enable.

If both of these are ok, then it might be down to the mode on the transmitter and the group your Speedlite is set to.

If the ST-E3-RT shows ETTL or M or Multi on the top let corner of its display then make sure your flash is set to one of the groups A, B or C.

If the ST-E3-RT shows Gr on the top left then check that the group your flash is part of is set to actually fire. In Gr (group) mode, you can switch individual groups off so they don't fire. 


EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

View solution in original post



What camera?


Thanks for joining the conversation, Jjwalz!  We've changed the terminology used to reflect the relationship between Speedlite devices to "Sender" and "Receiver."  Hope that clears it up!


So “sender” is the same thing as “master”. Any tips on why the transmitter isn’t working properly? It shows a link to the flash but doesn’t fire with the shutter. 


If the link light on the ST-E3-RT and your Speedlite are both green then it's possibly a camera setting that is prevent the flash from firing.

The EOS R6 cannot trigger a flash when the shutter mode is set to electronic. You'll find this setting on the SHOOT6 menu. it should be set to either Elec. 1st-curtain electronic or mechanical. 

Secondly check SHOOT2 menu, at the bottom of the page is External Speedlite Control, select that and make sure the Flash firing is set to Enable.

If both of these are ok, then it might be down to the mode on the transmitter and the group your Speedlite is set to.

If the ST-E3-RT shows ETTL or M or Multi on the top let corner of its display then make sure your flash is set to one of the groups A, B or C.

If the ST-E3-RT shows Gr on the top left then check that the group your flash is part of is set to actually fire. In Gr (group) mode, you can switch individual groups off so they don't fire. 


EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

Thank you so much for your help!  I learned the shutter mode was not correct.  Now it is working great! 


Are you experiencing “ Link Drop”. This where you fire a couple images and then lose Connectivity in Radio Mode. Your Transmitter “Link” light will still be Green, however Off Camera Flashes will be Red. Not the way the system was designed. 
Canon claims interference without identifying known “Interference”…. thus no solution to once reliable on location system to now a “Crap Shoot”…

And yes “ Trouble Shoot” from A-Z and sent in to CPS for service that was supposed to be performed, and not, and still “ Link Drop” in many, many locations. 
