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Go Figure...

So, I got a relatively new cell phone and on it was an exercise app that encourages me to go for daily walks.   Happy to oblige, I have turned an exercise session into an opportunity to take a camera, go out and be actively observant.  For me it's an...


Sky Tower

Auckland NZ's Sky Tower is the tallest tower in the Southern Hemisphere, but even so it can be difficult to shoot up close because of the mass of tall blocks erupting around it. After some judicious recon, I found this spot that not only affords a re...

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Splashing duck

I was at the right place at the right time. We have a greenway that parallels a creek running through part of town. I happened to be watching some ducks when this one decided she needed a bath. I was pleased with the results: Canon T7, f/6.3, 1/400, ...


Cooper's Hawk

These guys are fierce. At about the size of a crow, they can maneuver amongst branches and dart between trees at lightning speed to catch their favorite prey, other birds. He wasn't successful catching the Great Crested Flycatcher fledgling he was af...

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Blood Moon Progression over Pittsburgh

I didn't know if I could pull this off, but I wanted to try anyway.  I went to a spot where I knew I could line up downtown Pittsburgh with the Full Blood Moon eclipse in its entirety the other night.  I set the camera to capture a shot every 3 minut...

billkard by Contributor
  • 4 replies

Water Drops - T4i and EF 100mmL Macro

I was digging around in my archives and ran across these shots that I took in 2014 with my Rebel T4i and the EF 100mm f/2.8 L IS USM lens. I haven't tried anything like this since, but it would be fun so I might give it another another go when I get ...

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Closeups using the RF 100mm L Macro Lens

I really couldn't get close enough to call these macro, although after cropping, they probably are. Shot just a few hours before dark, so lighting wasn't optimal, but you shoot when you can and I kind of like the effect All were hand held and even t...

Green Anole-0002Sa.jpg Ruby-throated Hummingbird MAL-0002Sa.jpg Ruby-throated Hummingbird MAL-0001Sb.jpg Jumping Spider-002Sa.jpg