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More impressions on my R5 Mark II

Rising Star
Rising Star

Hey everyone,

I finally took my R5 Mark II to Rancho San Antonio Park Preserve, for a test spin, last Sunday.  I was looking for some wildlife worth shooting to try out the new AF-Eye features of the R5M2.  I first set the AF to Auto to see how fast the AF-Eye locked on and how well it identified animals from people and objects.   The AF-eye immediately locked on "People" and stayed locked on like white on rice.  On animals, it was the same, it locked on and stayed locked on, even when the deer was temporarily hidden in some bushes, which I thought was great, it was fast to lock-on every time.  Overall, the AF-Eye worked great on AUTO mode, both on People and Animals.  I then set the AF on SERVO and Animal mode, and it locked on lighting fast on animals.  I wanted to shoot some Raptors, like red tailed hawks but they were either perched on a tree that was to far away or they were flying to high for my 150-600mm lens.  However, I was happily surprised when the AF-Eye locked on a very high-flying California Condor which must have been 8 to 9 thousand plus feet high.  I took a photo of it to see how well it captured it and I was impressed.  I really had to crop it a lot (magnify it) to make out the details.  I also took pictures of a young buck that came by to pose for me.  Everything considered, I am happy with R5M2.  I plan to do some more shooting and experimenting with the different new feature the camera has to offer, l LOVE it! 😍   I'm so happy knowing that the camera is performing like canon said it would and more!  All pictures were taken handheld and very little processing was done to them.  Below are a couple of the ones I took. 

Cervidae Odocoileus  R5 Mark II  150-600mm  ISO-200  f6.3  SS 1/125Cervidae Odocoileus R5 Mark II 150-600mm ISO-200 f6.3 SS 1/125Cervidae Odocoileus  R5 Mark II  150-600mm  ISO-400  f6.3  SS 1/125Cervidae Odocoileus R5 Mark II 150-600mm ISO-400 f6.3 SS 1/125Cervidae Odocoileus  R5 Mark II  150-600mm  ISO-400  f6.3  SS 1/125Cervidae Odocoileus R5 Mark II 150-600mm ISO-400 f6.3 SS 1/125California Fence Lizard  R5 Mark II  150-600mm  ISO-640  f6.3  SS 1/125California Fence Lizard R5 Mark II 150-600mm ISO-640 f6.3 SS 1/125Junco Bird  R5 Mark II  150-600mm  ISO1000  f6.3  SS 1/125Junco Bird R5 Mark II 150-600mm ISO1000 f6.3 SS 1/125

Ancora Imparo

"A good photograph is knowing where to stand."
― Ansel Adams

"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept."
–- Ansel Adams

"You don’t take a photograph, you make it."
--- Ansel Adams



Those are nice pictures, even in low light. Congratulations!

I have been curious about how well the focusing keeps up with tracking for moving subjects.

I don't use tracking myself. Too inexperienced. But I've been curious.

Steve Thomas


Thanks, using tracking is very easy because the camera does it all and all you need to do is point close to the head of the subject you want, the AF-eye will lock on to the closest eye and you shoot.  You can set your AF to Auto and it will choose between People, Animals, or Vehicles (Inanimate Objects).  Or you can set it on Servo to shoot sports, wildlife, or any type of fast action, moving activities.  The AF setting will stay on Servo mode until you change it to People or Vehicles.  Give it a try and you'll see how easy and fun it is.    🙂

Ancora Imparo

"A good photograph is knowing where to stand."
― Ansel Adams

"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept."
–- Ansel Adams

"You don’t take a photograph, you make it."
--- Ansel Adams


That's great Joe - I have heard more of the same reaction from other folks too.  I am glad you feel Canon have kept up to their promises, it makes a change to see someone with that opinion, so many are convinced Canon are out to rip them off...

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Hi Trevor,

The R5 Mark II is truly a fantastic camera that delivers and lives up to all that canon advertised and more!  Of course, you're always going to get the nay sayers and those that complain about anything and everything not to mention the trolls that just want to get under people's skin and harass just for the sake of getting their kicks.  Those folks, generally, are not interested in purchasing a Canon camera or any camera for that matter.  If they were, they would know that Canon prices its products based on quality and features in relation to competitors' products in the market.   Take the Canon R5 Mark II, its well prized at USD$4,300.00 well under Nikons Z8 at USD$4,600.00 and USD$400.00 more than Sony's A7 R V priced at USD$3,900.00.  Canon Priced its new R5 Mark II $300.00 under the Nikon's Z8 and I read a few comparisons written by Nikon enthusiast that say,  the Canon R5 Mark II and the Nikon Z8 are both top drawer cameras and in the same class, although they both have some different features in which they both excel in and are better than the other, overall, the picture quality and sharpness are best to none in their class..  This is coming from Nikon diehard fans who are now thinking of purchasing a Canon R5 Mark II after trying it out, (Go figure).  To those who think that Canon is out to rip them off, I say go fly a fricking rolling donut and buy a One-shot Kodak!   🤪  😄

Ancora Imparo

"A good photograph is knowing where to stand."
― Ansel Adams

"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept."
–- Ansel Adams

"You don’t take a photograph, you make it."
--- Ansel Adams