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Captured an awesome travel pic lately?


Share your amazing travel photography! Let us know the Canon gear you used and the story behind the photo. 


This beautiful scene in Italy was captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III and a Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM lens at f/11, 1/5 sec, ISO 100.


177 REPLIES 177

and which camera/ lens? Morning? eve..?  Sorry, I'm learning 

Early morning, Canon 24-70...Canon 5DII

TY, very nice, you should put your name on it (trademark) that one


Greetings everyone. It's my first time here.


Day trip along the shores of Lake Huron (east coast of the state of Michigan, USA). This is Port Salinac Lighthouse.


Canon EOS 5D, Canon EF 16-35mm, f/2.8 L. At ISO 100, f/11, 1/200, 35mm




Port Salinac Lighthouse, Lake Huron, Michigan, USA

Thanks... I was driving home thru the Irish Hills area of Michigan from the Faster Horses Music Festival I was photographing for GETTY IMAGES...  Seen that view... Pulled car over, and took a 3 shot Pano and stiched together in Adobe Photoshop CC.... I used Canon 5D Mark III and I think I used my Canon 28-300

Hi, folks.  I don't know how awesome this is - I'll leave that for others to decide - but the view is definitely awesome!  El Capitan, Yosemite Park.  Photo taken with 60D and Canon 17-40 L zoom.El Capitan(1).JPG


I saw some great shots earlier in this forum of the Tunnel View of Yosemite Valley.  Here is the shot I took in early September from this same vantage point.  Camera and lens same as above photo of El Capitan and, since my memory ain't what it used to was, I captioned the photo in PhotoShop Yosemite Valley, Tunnel View (captioned).jpgfor future reference. 🙂

sorry but that doesn't look anything at all like the same vantage point in those two photos as you claim.  They are good shots, but have to be taken from different vantage points. (been there I know better)

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but I was just there a month ago, and I'm sure you are wrong in every instance, Fatcat.  All three of the shots were taken from the north parking area at Tunnel View looking east into the valley - the only place from which one can take a photo that I know of unless you hike up to Iinspiration Point - and all three show essentially the same view.  I'm pretty sure that's why they call this, you know, "Tunnel View"..........

wow, I wasn't trying to be nasty like you are, but it looks like the one of the tunnel and the one above it are from completely different vantage points, if not, then you did something different w/ lens or moved to a different area (in that vantage point) because of the angles on el capitan are completely different in these 2 photos.   I really don't care that much so please don't respond,  But they look differnt, and if YOU can't admit that and want to get nasty about it, then perhaps you shouldn't post where ppl will critique your work.

I dont care if I am wrong I was posting an opinion.  Obviously you cannot take ANY criticizim, constructive or otherwise, so I suggest you post where ppl will just tetll you how wonderful you are.
