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how to get rid of solid white box XA40


how do I get rid of solid white box on the screen on my Canon XA40/ This is not the focus box, it is small solid white square dead center almost at the very top of the screen. I have everything else turned off on the screen. It transmits this box to the live video which is not good.


I've tried every single possible option unless there is a hidden menu the solid white box remains it turns red when recording so is the recording status . There has to be away to turn it off but how

I have

@IamintheUK wrote:

That is the recording/stop indicator. It is normal to show this on the screen even when you have disabled the other display items. Anything on the cameras screen will be output on the HDMI output unless you disable it in the settings menu.

If the XA40 is like my G40, you disable it here.


tried every single possible option unless there is a hidden menu the solid white box remains it turns red when recording so is the recording status . There has to be away to turn it off but how

I have a canon G50 and had this issue today. So that is the Stop indicator, it will show it when you are not recording and when you record it will show a red circle. If like us, you are using your camera only to live stream and are not recording, its an easy fix. Leave the SD card slot door open and it will go away, or simply remove the SD card from the camera.

RemoveSD card did the job for my hf g40



The fact that the fix to this problem is simply to open the SD card door or remove the SD card is something that really should be in the manual -- it isn't.


Doesn't work for me. I'm doing a livestream too and my client will think I'm stupid, which is probably correct as I'm not being paid for it.


The solution is to turn off On-screen Displays (Menu > Display Setup > Output Onscreen Displays to OFF). 

There is a "DISP" button on the main body of the camera which is covered by the screen when folded in. That toggles the on-screen displays between different modes, one of which is to have all of the markers on and another that has just the recording status, which is the white square box you see (or that will become a red circle if you start to record). At least on the Vixia HF-G50 there is no state where that button removes everything. 

Removing the SD card does also remove that icon, perhaps since the camera will not be able to record at all without one, but that seems like a non-ideal workaround. The proper way is to change the setting through the menus. 

If you are streaming to an external device, there is a setting called display onscreen displays, make sure it is off. I don't have that model but I'm positively sure that is the solution.
