Canon C70: No audio from built-in mic



I’ve had no success googling this issue, hope to find some help here. 

There is suddenly no audio from the built-in mic on my Canon C70. I’ve only had the camera a few months, but never had this issue before. I haven’t changed any settings or done anything to bring on this issue. 

Hope it’s a user mistake and something I’ve overlooked. Happy to receive any suggestions! 


You didn't say, so I have to ask: do you have the built-in mics selected as an input?  On the Audio Status screen, what inputs are listed?

Fair question! Yes, I have built-in mics selected as input for channel 1 and 2. Had no issue with my setup until yesterday. Did my usual tech run through at home, everything working as normal. Then when I turn on the camera to shoot on location, there’s no audio from the built-in mic anymore. My lavs (on channel 3 and 4) work as normal. 
