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C100 - Data Import Utility Catalina Workaround


So with the Catalina update on Mac OS, Data Import Utility is no longer supported. Has anyone on a mac who updated to Catalina managed to find a workaround for importing video clips from my SD card without the use of Data Import Utlity? Maybe the answer is right in front of me and I'm just missing it, but it's been a frustrating couple of days. Any help would be appreciated.




If you have a non linear editor in place perhaps you can try copy and pasting the clips using the file explorer in the operating system.  We regret any inconvenience that this may cause you at this time. 

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Have you tried running Image Capture directly?

I appreciate that suggestion. A friend who works for Apple also suggested that but Image Capture doesn't recognize the file type of C100 footage. Basically I am finding my only two options right now are I either have to render each file individually through FCPX OR purchase an external recorder. Unless Canon upgrades Data Import Utility to a 64-bit program.

Unfortunately this is not acceptable solution for us. We must have an update to the Data Import Utility to a 64-bit program.

I have three C100 MK i and one C100 MK ii cameras, the MK 1 require this important tool.

To say that you're sorry for the incvonvenience is ridiculous when it's been almost a year. Your lack of upgrading has paralyzed my MAC and it is now causing a cascading effect because other programs that need the ugrade from MAC won't work because of your lack of caring about your own customers. I NEED this import utility to work or else my canon C100's are going to be junk. They do NO good to me if I can't import the footage!!!!!



 An extremely unhappy shooter/editor who loves canon but will move to another company that cares about their cusomters if you don't straighten this out!


I have discovered that you can access your MTS files by going into the "private" folder and drilling down until you hit them. It appears as though they are no different than the ones that you get through the Import Utility Tool. I imported the AVCHD titled file into Premiere and it came in as all the separate files. 

I hope that helps!

I just found this form and am having the same problem. It’s currently January of ‘21. Is there any update for Data Import Utility? I’m unable to import my C100 videos into my Mac without an update, and as others have stated, it’s a big problem after spending thousands on this camera. Nothing else has worked.

While you can drill down to open the files, when you use this method there is a short milisecond gap in the files that results in a black gap. Be careful and watch your footage, this happens only with longer files - in my case - weddings and interviews.

Dont expect canon to fix this, they dont care to support the older cameras .. Apple , all the big companies are the same way , dont expect any support we have to find a fix on our own - if possible ! 
