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Pro-10 From paper issue to banding issue


The paper issue was when using glossy, the papers I have were doing some curling, and teh edges would get ink all over them. so I curled the edges and this helped. But this happened about 10 times and a couple times the paper got hit and the printhead dragged across it. SO I raised the printhead in the Custom settings. And this degraded printing. I lowered it and stopped using that paper. Went to normal paper and then the banding started.


I have done normal and Deep cleaning cycles, I have printed nozzle check after nozzle check and print checks, and they are NOT looking great.


I have gone through 2 sets of ink tanks ($140 each set), about 25 sheets of excellent 13x19 paper, and over 2 days of time.


Last resort I took out the print head and put it in a water/amonia/alcohol bath for a couple hours. Also squirted water (distilled) on the head and inside to clean up. Inserted and still NOT ok. I get the banding. Its 2AM, and I am still up and working on this printer as the 3rd day.  I wonder what could be the issue?Pro-10NozzleCheck.jpg



I am at this point lost on what could be the reason. Some fibers it picked up from the paper strikes and is not coming off, or? But most are effected, not just one color. I honestly cannot make sense in reading this chart as I see ABCDE are bad, then I see F is horrible, and G has slight gaps, H is a bit better, and I is bad. J is bad, K, L,M, N are bad. O is almost half empty, P is not bad, same with Q, they are pretty OK, very slight gaps.RSTUare gapped, with U missing a line, and V is missing more. Wand X are missing a slight line, Y is not so bad.


Not sure what the values are saying for each row.








At first I had issues doing manual alignment. I figured how to do it, and I made the adjustments, and this too did not clear the issue.  I switched back to auto align. 


I ordered a new printhead
