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Ink cartridge stuck in Cannon Pro-1000


I am unable to eject the PM ink cartrige from my Cannon Pro-1000 printer to change out the ink. The pop to release seems jammed and I see a way to fix it. Can anyone help? 



Hi to you all.

I have had a Canon Imagegraf Pro 1000 since September 2017 so it is now out of warranty. It produces superb prints and I have never had a problem until I came to change all my 12 inks for the second time. Nine cartridges were changed with no problem but three cartridges would not release.


I live in Portugal and had a "nightmare" getting in contact with someone who could help. Passed from one source to another until I eventually got through to Canon Professional dept who handle large format printers. After a couple of days I got a quote on a mileage and hourly bases for a technician to come from Lisbon to me in the Algarve.  This would probably cost a small fortune.


I have an exhibition booked so in desperation I came up with the idea to use a plastic tweezer.  I can only describe it as the type of tweezers used to turn over food frying in a pan. It has a serated edge to the grip.  Anyway, I am sure you all know what I am talking about. They would slide either side of the cartridge and with a bit of strong riggleing I managed to release all three cartridges and replace them.


The three replacements are stuck as before but at least I have another session of use for about a year and will then probably have to repeat the exercise.  No question this is a major problem and should be solved by Canon.  This was not a cheap printer to buy.

jtoolman on YouTube is an excellent printer resource. Maybe he has ideas to help.
John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic


If you shop to Sweden I’m interested since I still use the printer. If you want please email your eBay-details and I’ll have a look: (removed as per Forum Guidelines

“If you ship to Sweden...*


The solution is simple, you need to use oversized pliers to pull the cartridge out.

I have the same problem, most of my cartridges don't want to come out.

I did use a tool designed for crushing the testicles of pigs 🙂

Had the same problem and same solution. I bought a "EZRED KWP2 Kiwi Bent Head Needle-Nose Pliers, Set of 2" as listed on Amazon. There's two pliers in the set, you used the long nose pliers. The ink cartridge slid out effortlessly. You no longer have the click sound when inserting or removing, but it appears to work. It cost $20 for the plier set.


First my release pring just broke on one cartridge
but i figured that i could take it out by taking both cartridge on each side first.


So no need of pliers


but i wonder if changing the cartridge will do something, it looks like the system find that the cartridge isn't well inserted, and not a ink probleme.  Anyone had the same thinking?

In the construction A large “straw” is stuck in from the printer to the cartridge. So as long as you just seat the new cartridge at the bottom depth as it should there is no leakage. The spring mechanism that has stopped working does not even when operational provide any push of the cartridge towards the printer.

So even if you have unplugged them using a pair of kitchen pliers as in my case, the new cartridge can be pushed in just as it would if the spring was working and it should be seated correctly

My printer works perfectly now, just use oversized pliers to get the cartridge out.
