Color Cast Compensation (PRO-100) -- Good News


This post finds me in a better mood than the previous one. 


Here is the process that seems to have worked for me. (I will admit that in the quest for a solution to the magenta color cast issue (comparing the print from the PRO-100 to one from my Epson 3800 in ABW mode) that has been haunting me and in the name of thoroughness, I went through about 10 sheets of Red River Arctic Polar Satin for this experiment. I'm sure it can ultimately be done with less paper waste.)


I am printing from a calibrated iMac to the PRO-100. The image to be printed is black and white, the conversion being made in Lightroom. I decided to print from the Canon Print Studio Pro plug-in although I am confident the results would be the same printing directly from Lightroom. 


STEP 1 -- I started to dig more into the Black and White setting available with the PRO-100. I found reference that the B&W setting is to be (only?) used when converting a color image to B&W just before printing. The references seemed to suggest that checking the B&W box for an image already converted to B&W in LR or PS would results in double color managing the image and could result in color casts. 


STEP 2 -- Once I turned off the B&W Print box, I could then select an icc profile to use while printing. I selected the Red River Arctic Polar Satin profile available from Red River. So I am treating this as a color print where the colors are all grayscale.


STEP 3 -- I went into the Correction section of Print Studio Pro and did a PATTERN PRINT. Well actually, I did three. I did a small with medium; a medium with small; and a large with small. In the future I could jump directly to probably the large with small or at worse the medium with small. Anyway, I knew what I was getting from the printer was a magenta cast so I could eliminate all the samples on the magenta side of C=0; M=0; Y=0 and focus on the samples on the other (green) side if you will. I also knew that the cast was very slight so I didn't have to deviate far from the 0; 0; 0. After studying the large/small pattern print I arrived at a choice that looked like it would work (C = 6; M = -3; Y = -3). I made a print using those settings on 8 1/2" x 11" RR Arctic Polar Satin and voila the cast was gone. Not being one to accept success so easily, I think I did about four more prints with CMY settings from the Pattern Print that were around the 6; -3; -3. After all that, I still thought the 6; -3; -3 looked best.


STEP 4-- Now the moment of truth. I put the PRO-100 print next to the Epson 3800 print and still saw no cast. But I did notice the print from the PRO-100 was a bit darker than to print from the 3800. SO I went back into the Correction section and tried a couple of Brightness and Contrast settings. I think I settled in on B = 6 and Contrast = -6 but may actually end up pushing the brightness up to 9. I'm not sure.


Remember, I was trying to match the tonality, brightness, contrast, etc from the Canon PRO-100 to that from the Epson 3800. A bit of comparing apples and oranges, I know. The bottom line is I got close enough for me with prints on Arctic Polar Satin. Now I will have to try hopefully shorter versions of this process with the other papers I use. 


Thanks to all who helped out here on the forum, from Canon Technical Support, from Red River Paper, master printer friends and a variety of sources on the Internet/YouTube. The final missing link came from a video from Jose Rodriguez. It wasn't easy but I think I got it figured out.


Keeping my fingers crossed.



Canon 5DMkIII...Canon 35mm f/1.4L II... Canon 50mm f/1.2L... Canon 85mm f/1.8... Canon 135mm f/2.0L
and dare I add... a Canon F-1 with 35mm, 50mm, and 135mm FD lenses
Pixma Pro-100 & Epson 3800 Printers



I think you do have a handle on how it works. Smiley Happy

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

I've also nailed the settings for Canson Baryta Photographique. Only took me four sheets of paper this time. 🙂



Canon 5DMkIII...Canon 35mm f/1.4L II... Canon 50mm f/1.2L... Canon 85mm f/1.8... Canon 135mm f/2.0L
and dare I add... a Canon F-1 with 35mm, 50mm, and 135mm FD lenses
Pixma Pro-100 & Epson 3800 Printers


Thanks Ed_vatza, this helped me a lot to figure out how to improve the B&W rendering with the PRO-100 and the Pro Platinum paper. Still not in my full taste but may be the best I can get from this paper (which is normally the Canon best of the best !!).

