Canon Pro-100 printing blurry text at times


My printer has just started printing blurry text; however, it does not happen all the time. For example, I've had the printer print 3 copies of the same file, and all had the same exact settings and paper type. Two of the prints came out with the slightly blurry text (black font), while the third print came out perfectly fine. Any ideas what might be causing this issue? I have performed the general cleaning within the printer's utility settings and still no solution.


It has been working fine for 6 months, then all of a sudden the intermittent blurry text. I'm lost!



Hi amhb90,


Many print quality issues can be resolved by cleaning the encoder (timing) strip, and I have included full instructions for doing so HERE.


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Hi Bill,  thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, this did not work. 
