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imagePROGRAF TM-350 PFI-120 ink compatibility


I have the canon TM-350 plotter,  the ink cartridges from the TM 300 fit in the new TM 350

PFI-120 inks. the magenta 120 is different from the PFI-121 in the TM-350my question is can I use the PFI-120 magenta instead of the PFI-121 in the TM- 350 Plotter?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi jmar1081,

The imagePROGRAF TM-350 uses the same ink tanks as the imagePROGRAF TM-300 with the exception of the magenta ink tank. The TM-350 uses the PFI-121 and PFI-321 magenta ink tanks. The PFI-120 magenta ink tank will not be recognized as the correct ink tank when installed in the TM-350. I hope this is helpful.

Hi Sonya1,

The ink tanks look exactly the same except for the the location of the slot openings on the ink tanks that allow the tanks to slide down into the plotter (or printer). I can see that the closed slot openings can be opened by removing the tabs on the PFI-120M so that it will match the PFI-121M.  If I do that will it work? 

Also, besides the location of the slot openings that I mentioned is there something else that makes them different?

So if what i say above is true then it's not that the ink tanks won't be recognized so much as that you won't be able to install them because they won't slide all the way down in the printer, am I correct?


Did you resolve this? I have a similar situation. I have a TM-300 but also have lots of ink left over from my previous model. I don't think Canon would recommend modifying the plastic spacers, but if it works and the actual ink is the same it seems silly to waste.


After looking more closely, it seems the shapes are the same and it would "fit", but the computer chip/contact is different. I will not be trying to make it work.
