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"another computer is using this printer"


mx 922 often says "another computer is using this printer" and won't print even when there is only one computer on.


Win 7


Just bought the mg 5650 and now find i am unable to use it both on pc and laptop as pc has no wifi and is connected via usg (AS DID MY PREVIOUS EPSON) the other devices in the house are via wifi. What a crap printer. I wish i knew this before purchase . Whatvthe hell are canon doing about this . this is stupid that it cannot work by usb AND wifi, Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


I have the same issue with a MG7520 model. It's very frustrating. I have issues printing wireless and with usb connected using my laptop. If I use my ipad to print wireless it works ok so far. I find it extremely frustrating since it affects my business. I need certain things printed out immediately but after a couple of hours of messing with it (reset, re-connecting to wifi, moving printer closer to my modem, reseting again, power off and powered back on. etc) is a waste of time. I bought this machine thinkning it was the better buy from an HP or kodak which were the previous ones I had (which I never had an issue with) but I'm regreting every bit of it.

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I just wanted to register an account to say that this is the worst peice of absolute garbage I have ever had to deal with. 
If you are on this forums page, I fear it is too late to warn you not to buy this product, but for the sakes of a review, here I am.

This printer will not connect to a device if its been in sleep mode too long. (verified on wireless and wired connections)

This printer also shoots out errors faster than a cheetah catches prey. And the errors are abundant. Between "Another computer is using this printer" when I've been the only user all day, to "printer offline" which I seem to get every day.

Nearly each day requires maintenance.

Now, before anyone detests my issues, I will say that I have read countless forums. I have spent well over 24 hours working on solving issues with this printer. Sadly, I've owned it for about 2 months. I have top of the line router and modem equipment with a vast knowledge of networking. 

These printers should be recalled and burned. Hell, it'd be the best Canon service I'd ever experienced.

I will never buy a printer with out checking. I sooo agree with you


I have a new MG4250, very difficult to set up to print. I eventually thought I had made sufficient sense to get it set up via the USB link rather than by wifi and printed two documents. Now I am back to this message above and can't print again. How to I sort this out?

Have you tried updating the drivers? I was having the same issue with my printer. Apparently my laptop got an update so I had to update my printer's driver as well...

There seem to be a general issue, it's obviously not something that is specific to one specific user like you try to suggest. Why taking the discussion off this forum and leave all of us without a solution? You put this forum to save yourself support load, and now you direct a user to further bother you, and leave all of us frustrated.

I had the same problem.  Printed fine last night, and then got that message this moring.  Couldn't fix it on my own so CALLED the help line.


THIS is what I did to fix my issue:



1)  TURN OFF printer

2)  UNPLUG router

3)  PLUG router back in

4)  UNPLUG printer

5)  PRESS the "ON" button @ 10 times (not fast, just press.. press.. press  10times)

6)  PLUG printer back in

7)  TURN on printer

😎  Make sure ALL print jobs are removed from print que

9)  Send a job to the printer

10)  SHOULD print and no more error message.



This releases the que of "unknowns" and clears the que.
