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mg 5750 via wireless router to macbook pro (yosemite 10.10.5)




my mg 5750 is connected to the SSID (set-up works perfectly, WiFi sign shows up, settings confirm), but can't access it from the macbook pro (on yosemite 10.10.5). Drivers and printer software confirm to be up-to-date. It also works to print via the direct connect functionality (but no scanning).

Does anyone have a clue what could cause the trouble?





Do you have an ACL, Access Control LIst, enabled in your router, which limits connections to only specific MAC addresses?  Try turning it off.  I know it doesn't make sense.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

thanks, Waddizzle!

not 100pro sure, what it was, but just re-setup the router from scratch- and it works 🙂

at least printing and via the smartphone app printing and scanning. Somehow I cannot connect to the mg5750 as a scanner... though it shows as idle in the system prefs. any ideas?

work in progress.. 😉 


@shaktiman wrote:

thanks, Waddizzle!

not 100pro sure, what it was, but just re-setup the router from scratch- and it works 🙂

at least printing and via the smartphone app printing and scanning. Somehow I cannot connect to the mg5750 as a scanner... though it shows as idle in the system prefs. any ideas?

work in progress.. 😉 


I am not an Aplle user, so my advice will be limited and quite generic.  Are you saying that you can print from your smartphone [type of phone?] and your MAC book, but can only scan from your smartphone, but not not your MAC book?


Are you using the Canon software to scan on your MAC book?  What are you using to scan on the smartphone?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

yes, I can scan and print from my iPhone (iOS 9.1) using the official Canon app, while I can only print but not scan from the macbook pro using the official Canon sw, and also tried via the sys pref > printers & scanners interface. in the latter, the device shows idle as printer, but as scanner it reports an error.



i am having the same problem with "el Capitan! 10.11.2.


plus i would like to know where is it's utilitys app - can't find it.

