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imageCLASS MF232w Can't print via wired network, printer offline error


I can print and scan wirelessly just fine... but when I hard wire my internet connection I cant print/scan at all... how can II make this work?



Welcome to the forum!

So that the Community can help you better, let us know which version of Windows or macOS you are using? Is there an exact error message? How are you connecting? 
Any other details you'd like to give will only help the Community better understand your issue. The forum is not intended for immediate support. If this is a time-sensitive matter, click HERE search our knowledge base or find additional support options HERE

windows 11... no error message, just says printer is off line... when I go back to wireless, it prints and scans fine

Could it be your printer is getting a different IP address with the wired connection?

You have to install the printer software on the computer with the connection method you are using.

You should also give the printer a Static IP address, not using DHCP, and set your router to reserve that address. How you set the router may require assistance from the supplier/manufacturer.
