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Why install drivers then report 'No Printer'?


Hello Canon Design Engineers!


Now listen very carefully please. I am going to recommend a simple modification to your installation routine. It will save you a lot of trouble and bad feedback from your clients.


The 5350 is a lovely printer but now it is useless because I cannot re-connect to it.


The Network configuration at the printer end accepted the pass phrase for connection to Router and reported'Connected to .... whatever


The Router reports the Canon as connected. I logged in a refreshed the list of attached devices.


I had to delete the drivers and re-install the whole Canon Suite of software again (after reboot) on the frist of many PCs


After your installation routine had completed the upload of software it then reported it couldn't see the printer!!!!  WHAT!!!


Hello Canon Design Engineers...

Please change your software to search and find a printer BEFORE you waste people's time with an installation that is going no where!   


