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TS 3522 will not print on wifi


I have a Canon TS 3522 and has worked great for a couple years. I now have an "x" on the printer. I have used the WI FI connection assistant and all the protocol for fixing and after 4 hours I thought I'd reach out to this community. I'm usually pretty quick and apt to fix little things like this but to alas no avail...

I can print using USB cable but not using wi fi so it obviously is a connection issue

I'm on an iMac osX Monterey 12.6.6

Message from the connection assistant - "your computer is currently connected to a network with a frequency not supported by your printer"


Product Expert
Product Expert


Has anything recently changed with you WiFi, like a new router or upgrading to 5g only? 

We look forward to your reply. 


It's been working fine for a year. It works when I hook up directly into it so I know it's a wireless issue. The X is on the printer. All info is the same. I can't seem to get the printer back on the wireless. I've used the connection wizard, etc...

Maybe I should do a factory reset?
