SELPHY CP1500 Update limited the photo layouts and max number of pictures


With the recent iphone app update, I can't seem to find a way to increase the number of photos to select to print in a collage format. Before there were options to choose up to 20 images and would shuffle the layout/sizes to fit them all in one print. Now I can only select up to 8. Is it still possible to choose more than 8 at a time? 

Personally I liked being able to choose a lot because the way I am using this, is for collaging for my kids - so I select main photos anywhere between 1-3 months or from a special occasion, but I liked that it could fit in just one print because then I wouldn't need to use tons of photo paper in addition to the smaller pictures being able to take up less space in their collage book so I could maximize the pages. Is there anyone to do this or is the max number of photos just 8 now?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi arose,

What paper do you have loaded in your SELPHY CP1500?

In the SELPHY Photo Layout app, at the top, if "Postcard" or "L" is selected, Shuffle will appear on the main screen:


If Card is selected, that changes to Mini Label:


Mini Label does not have the ability to print more than 8 on a page.

Shuffle can print up to 20, in various layouts and sizes.




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I am having the same issue and Shuffle does not solve it for me. I used to be able to choose up to 60-80 images, have 4 or 8 images on each sheet and print them all off in one sitting. 

Now I can only select 8 at a time and have to print each sheet individually. I do not want 20 images on one sheet, I want to be able to print all of my selected images with 8 pictures on one postcard. 

I am currently looking for another printer to purchase that has this feature because I need to be able to do mass prints and unfortunately the Canon update has taken that away and now I have no need for this printer. It is also annoying having to go back and forth between the apps between each sheet to start selecting the images for the next one.. it is just so so disappointing as a customer. 

Something that was once so simple so now the bane of my existence. Hopefully another company has these seamless features. 


Change it back and I'll stay with Canon forever pls n thx. 

I’m having the exact same problem. How come that canon still doesn’t fix this?? I usually print more than 50 photos at a time, 2 in each paper. How can I do this now?

Same problem! So disappointed! I loved my Selphy 1500- not anymore.  If anyone finds another printer that can do this mass printing and be able to select how many photos per page , please let us all know! 

I have an unlocked android phone and I installed the old version and I’m transferring the photos to that phone so I can print in batches in the layout that I want. 

How do you install an old version of an app????
