Print Driver Packager... ImageRunner Advance C3530i


Ive been able to get by on this on other brands of copiers, but I am having issues creating an install package for my Canon copier. ( IM C3500 ). Want to create a package that even the most not tech savvy users can just click on and it installs and maps to the correct IP. 

I had similiar issues with a Ricoh printer in the past and was able to get past them with Ricoh's drive packaging software. Does Canon have something similar? ( I have looked and wasnt able to locate it )



Hi, Cliff101!

So that the Community can help you better, we need to know exactly which Canon printer model you're using as we've put out multiple models over the years that share the "C3500" designation. That, and any other details you'd like to give will help the Community better understand your issue!

If this is a time-sensitive matter, click HERE search our knowledge base or find additional support options HERE.

Thanks and have a great day!

Actually got the wrong printer from my spreadsheet. Printer in question is a  Canon ImageRunner Advance C3530i


Thanks for verifying that printer!

While our Forum Community members are welcome to chime in, Canon does not provide direct support for imageRUNNER series products, but your dealer will be able to help you!

If you don't have a dealer, please call us at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) and we will be happy to provide you with the names of dealers who are in your area! 
