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Pixma MG4120 connection issue


Hello, after working pretty much flawlessly with mild usage, my MG4120 has decided to stop connecting to my Macbook Pro several weeks ago, which rendered me unable to print any documents.  After trying the basic troublehooting steps, I am still unable to correct the issue.  There are no ISP (XFINITY) issues as every other device in the house is working on WiFi. I understand that there a a few different ways (Advanced or Basic) to connect the 4120 to WiFi, but I need someone to walk me through it.  Thanks.



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi JamesButler,


If the printer was dropped from your network, you can run the mini master setup from the disk to perform the wireless setup. If you no longer have the disc, please let me know what version of Mac you are running so I can see if there is a file to send you from here.


We look forward to your reply.
