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PIXMA MG7150 photoshop not printing Image in centre of cd with Disc Tray J


Hi all. I have come here in urgent need for help.


I am using a Mac Pro on the latest OS mojave with photoshop. When I print onto CD with the pixma mg7150, the image is misaligned. I am using disc tray J. I used to use windows for cd printing because of this, but my laptop got stolen so that isn't an option at the moment. does anyone have a solution?


I have searched for answers on the web and unable to find some.



okay I have managed to resolve the problem. I created a Photoshop template to print on discs. here is the template if anyone needs one for the MG7150.


The template is removed. I guess Canon doesn't like people using other software than My Image Garden.

If we had a problem with the template, we would have removed the link from the Canon Community Forum rather than removing an entire site from the Internet. That's too much paperwork! 🥴

Hi there, I let the website domain expire as I rebranded. Anyway do you need the template? if so I will find it and reupload the link. Not sure if it still works with the latest photoshop updates as I haven’t needed to print on a cd or dvd for a long time now. 
