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PIXMA MG2520 Installation Disk Needed


SomeomnePlease help me Find an instialtion disk.

Hi I have a simple canon pixma mg2520 and i need to install it on my new computer but i dont have the dsik, even worse the online driver software downlaod will not recognise my printer. i really need to use my printer. please help me figure out how i can get an instialtion disk sent to me i cant seem to find a support persons to speak to.




We'll need to know what computer you have along with it's operating system (e.g. Mac with macOS 13.0, or PC with Windows 10).


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

its windows 10. its not actually new, just new to me. this happened on my laptop to i didnt have a disk drive. so its not just this cpu. i know its a lenovo.

thank you for quick reply


You can visit this Support Page link for your printer.  Then, click on Software & Drivers.  It should set the Operating System to "Windows" and Version to "Windows 10" automatically.  But if it doesn't, you can manually choose those values.

The list should then update to include all the drivers and software that you can download.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

I tried that and the instilation wizard will not recognise my printer. ive tried unplugging and repluging and the same with the cord and it still ownt recognise my printer. do you know uif canon can send me the instilation disk


Hi, skillscott414!

Try this page instead: 

The same software would have been on a CD, but we no longer send discs. 

I hope this helps!
