Mx920 Wireless printing problem


I have just bought an mx920, beautiful printer I may point out, it worked well for the first two days but I cannot print as of today, I connect to the printer wirelessly and all my computers are Macs.

The printer is connected to the network properly and my computer shows that it has an active connectiong, but when I click print the printer goes to "in use" and then goes offline, and the Print Que says "Printer not connected" 

I've tried connecting the printer to the network again, and I have restarted the printer along with my computers but it still wont work. 

Please help 

159 REPLIES 159

Yeah!  I have been fighting with this all summer...I downloaded the driver from the Canon website and am currently printing wirelessly again!  For the record, I was showing "connected" to my access point, but whenever I tried to print wirelessly, my laptop showed my printer "offline".  VERY frustrating!

I posted too soon...I was able to print one document from my laptop files but can't print from the internet.  So frustrating!  I have had this printer for 3 years and it has acted up before.  Usually I do "something" to fix it, but I'm never sure quite what works.  

The FIX is to go into:


Setup - Device Settings - LAN settings - other settings - TCP/IP settings - IPv6 - DISABLE 



- Truong Vu

Windows 10


this will probably be last canon printer.  I need one that works when i send a document. this one radomly goes offline.  doesn't matter whether using ios, pc, or android.  have used canon printers for years aloong with cameras and quality doesn't seem to matter now.

I posted the fix. Disable IPv6 on the printer.

which menu do I go to ?


In the menu on the printer itself.

Setup - Device Settings - LAN settings - other settings - TCP/IP settings - IPv6 - DISABLE

Amazing. This fixed everything! Thank you so much!!! OMG......
