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MX922 goes to sleep and loses WiFi connection


I have a new MX922 that replaced a dead MX870. The old MX870 worked fine until it died but this new MX922 doesn't work correctly on my WiFi network. And the only thing that's changed is the printer (all the other PCs and printers and the Wifi router are the same as before and still work just fine). The new MX922 goes to sleep and can't be woken up from any PC on my network (to print or scan). The old MX870 NEVER had a problem on this WiFI network and NEVER had a problem with sleep mode. I also still have two MX890s that still work just fine. When the MX922 stops responding to pings, the blue WiFi logo on the front is on, and the Network Configuration Page always says "Connection Active" (but it's not).  Any suggestions that it's my router or my PC driver's fault is nonsense. It's clearly a MX922 WiFi bug which Canon needs to fix ASAP.


Over the past few weeks I've discovered that if the printer goes to sleep for an extended period it frequently "loses" it's WiFi connection and nothing I do from my PC will let me print to or scan from it. Basically it stops responding to pings (which tells me that its WiFi network connection is the issue). I usually discover the printer is offline line first thing Monday AM (after the office has been closed all weekend).


When the MX922 goes into a coma the only way I've found to wake it up is to either power-cycle it, or do go into the Device Settings menu and print out the current Network Configuration Page (it sometimes starts printing/scanning again when I exit out of the menus). AND sometimes after waking it up via the menu trick it operates very very slowly (like the Wifi connection is poor or congested) and I end up having to power cycle it to fix it. I shouldn't ever have to power cycle the printer just to wake it up (especially since it probably uses up some ink to recharge the print head each time it powers on).


Since I got it about 6 weeks ago, this printer has gone into a coma about once a week. Recently I tried disabling the Wireless DRX option and that seems to have made it worse. Since I disabled that option, It's gone into a coma 3 times in the past two days.




110 REPLIES 110

Thank you. finally someone has the correct answer. My problem started when I loaded OS-X El Capitan. Your suggest solved the problem.



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VTBlue, I was excited to see your post.  I too have a mac and I am having the same issue.  I went into airport utility to adjust my setting.... and unfortunately, they already match your settings.  This is driving me crazy.

SMUWiLLD, sorry to hear. Seems odd. Have you tried doing a complete shut-down (not a re-start), re-start, and then gone back in and tried clicking to undo the Airport settings, shutting down again, re-starting and then clicking and re-doing the settings? 

Give that a shot. 

Good luck.

HERE is the fix!!!!  Go to settings then LAN settings then other settings then " wireless LAN drx" and disable it.


Your printer will no longer disconnect! 

This is a power saving feature that is malfunctioning.


Merry Christmas




Thanks to the contributors that recommended changing the LAN Router settings. harrybuckman has it right.  Works faster than it ever has from job to job from multiple Mac's and iPads over AirPlay.  It all started with El Capitan.  It would seem that Cannon would suggest this fix.  


My MG6120 continues to do this. How pathetic of Canon dancing around this. Buying a new unit very soon. As another posted stated...." guess what brand I will NOT be buying "!!!! Many Canons. Now I am done. Useless junk. And my unit does not have the drx setting so I cannot even try this work around. GoodBye Canon. Screwing customers over just lost you another one.


I was having this problem also.  I was reinstalling the driver everytime I wanted to print.  When I used Windows troubleshooting it told me that the printer was not part of the homegroup therefore the network would not look for it.

I just made this fix earlier this morning. This afternoon the printer is still ready (not offline) which tells me that there is hope that the problem has gone away.

Hope this helps others.

I'm most appreciative of your finding this solution.   Interestingly, after I ticked the "Enable Access Control"  and saved the changes, the printer woke up from its fog, and started printing !!!   No recycling of the printer.   Terrific solution find - congrats.

Do you have a fix for a pc with a cisco router?