MF Toolbox doesn't work on Windows 10


I have a MF4570dn, and recently upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.


I can no longer scan using the MF Toolbox utility.   I had MF Toolbox 4.9 installed before the upgrade, and it worked just fine.  After the upgrade, I get "Cannot communicate with the scanner" error dialog:






I thought I would try to reinstall the MF Toolbox utility, but there are two problems.


1) The downloads page shows no downloads for Windows 10 for this printer. This should be updated.


2) I downloaded the one for Windows 8.1, and tried to reinstall, but it just hangs at the "Processing Installation" screen:




I've also tried to uninstall the existing MF Toolbox first, and it also hangs at this same dialog.


I've also tried various other things without success:

- Connecting via USB instead of Network.  It detects the scanner, and MF Toolbox can switch to that device, but it still gives a communications error.

- Trying the built-in Windows Scan app instead of MF Toolbox.  It uses the WIA driver.  It barely starts to scan, then immediately cancels.


Please Canon - forward this to your engineers and provide a fix asap.  I cannot use my scanner on Windows 10.


(I can use the printer functionality just fine.)

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I did what too but still can not scan remotely. Help from Canon would be highly appreciated.


Apparently what I did earlier only worked until I restarted my computer.  I can get it to work by going through the same process over again so not really a solution.


This simple fix I found online worked for me:


Start> in the run box type. Services.msc

Scroll down to Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)

Right click, select Properties

Check that Startup type is set to Automatic

Click Log On Tab

Check that Local System account , and Allow service to interact with desktop is checked. Hit apply.

Click Recovery...Click on window next to First Failure, Scroll to Restart the Service. Hit apply.

Thanks man, it works great for me and i now have preview scan, which i didn't have before.

thank you very much

You're welcome!  Kudos should go to 'Captret' who posted it originally in 2014 as a fix for same problem in Windows 8.1.  It worked for me then so when I struck problem again after upgrading to Windows 10, I tried it once more with great success.


I have the same problem. I can print, but cannot scan now that I have Windows 10. Please do something.

Mine does not either.  I spent an hour with canon on the phone yesterday, deleting this and that and round and round and restart and he finally told me Canon does not have an answer or a solution.  He said brand new Canon's will not install the toolbox either.  Without the tool box, the scanner will not scan to PDF files, so it is basically worthless.  So I am at a loss. You would think that with their staff and resources they could come up with a fix.

Ok here's the fix..I tried many of the ways, from compatibility mode to deleting twain and here's the right way.. it just requires a few reboots.


I use revouninstaller to uninstall programs. I paid for it but there is a free version...


[link removed per forum guidelines]


With Revo

uninstall drivers ( then do an advanced scan and remove any entries anywhere for cannon toolboox and mf drivers. Very easy to do with Revounistaller.

Uninstall mf toolbiox..advanced scan again remove all entries to mftoolbox Again very easy with revo.




install window 10 Cannon drivers for your machine (printer scanner)

Install mftoolbox...




Start scanning


PS if by chance you messed up and the uninstall states that the program must be installed to uninstall again do a forced uninstall with revo. Do not leave any traces of the old mftool box and / or drivers. Revo will do that for you.

Did not work on D420 laser printer/scanner. Toolbox still will not load. Called Canon again and they told me they have no fix.

Solved / workaround. Canon MF4010


I was facing the same issue - after normal installation I was able to scan one page. On the second time - Toolbox started to "not respond". 


Could not uninstall Toolbox in normal mode

- uninstalled drivers in normal mode

- uninstalled Toolbox in safe mode

- installed drivers in normal mode

- installed Toolbox in safe mode


Problem appears, when I disconnect USB cable and connect it back without restart - then scanning function stops working, and Toolbox starts to "not respond" if used. But this is an issue, and is documentet in latest driver package PDF file:

"Windows 8_Notice_ENG.pdf", and of course, is an issue in Windows 10 too:

[Limitations During Operation]

When using the scan function while the device is connected
 to a computer by USB, removing the USB cable and then
plugging it back in or turning the device off and then on 
will cause the scanning function to be unable to execute. If this
occurs, please restart the computer.

