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MF Scan Utility won't open on my Mac


We have the Canon Color ImageClass MF654Cdw. I have a MacBook Pro with Sonoma as OS. I downloaded the necessary drivers to my computer. I can see the MF Scan Utility app, but it will not open on my computer. It just bounces on my dock and does nothing. I cannot get my computer to scan wirelessly to the printer, and I'm guessing this might have something to do with it. I've tried the download multiple times, but it simply won't open. What do I do now?


Rising Star

When it is bouncing in the dock, are its menu items on the menu bar?

Btw, MF Scan Utility has nothing to do with scanning directly from the printer to your Mac.  That has to be set up in the printer's remote web UI.  Another adventure in itself.  I have yet to get it to work, although I did get Scan to Email to work.

If you want to be able to scan until you can figure things out, download Vuescan from  I have been using it for years.  It doesn't need the Canon driver -- its has its own internal drivers.  
