Imageclass MF229dw “cannot find access point”


Trying to wirelessly connect mf229dw to TP-Link AC1200 Dual Band router, and when searching for SSID’s, it finds everyone in the neighborhood except this TP-Link.

I’ve been using this printer wirelessly for years, but I just moved to a new location and have a new ISP but the same TP-Link router. All other devices see both the 2.4 an 5 GHz bands of the router and can easily connect and reconnect.

Tried to enter SSID manually, but mf229dw says “cannot find access point.”

Tried resetting router.

Tried renaming router.

Tried turning router and printer off for 60 seconds.

Tried plugging RJ45 Ethernet cable and switching to “wired connection.” (Fail)

Tried initializing all settings on the mf229dw.

Tried ping  test to router IP address (failed)

Don’t know why this TP-Link is hidden from the Imageclass Mf229dw but visible to everything else.

Any ideas are appreciated. Thank you.



Hi gheinig.


The MF229dw supports wifi on 802.11 b/g/n connections (2.4 GHz wifi).  The "AC" in "TP Link AC1200" indicates its coverage of "a" and "ac" (5 GHz wifi).  The router will also support the 2.4 GHz wifi unless otherwise set.  Double-check the router's settings to ensure the 2.4 GHz wifi is enabled and broadcasting.  You may also need to change settings to allow devices on the 5G to communicate with the printer, or connect your computers and mobile devices to the 2.4 GHz connection to use it.


If you need immediate assistance with this issue, please contact us using the numbers and information at


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All other devices see the 2.4 Ghz TP-Link router and some devices see both the 2.4 and 5 Ghz bands of the TP Link router ... have no problem connecting.  But when the mf229dw searches for SSID's, it sees neither.


What are the reasons a printer wouldn't see a router?


Thank you.

Hi gheinig.


If the MF229dw isn't seeing your wifi but it's seeing other wifi networks, then there may be some obstruction between the printer and router that's lowering the signal strength too low.  Try moving the printer closer to the router (no closer than ~ 2 ft).


If the MF229dw is not seeing any wireless networks, or if the above directions do not correct the problem, then you'll need to contact our phone-based support to determine if service is needed.  Phone-based support is available through the information at


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Right now, the printer is actually within two feet of the router.  I called tech support and the technician was able to help me to connect through an RJ45 ethernet cable but not wifi.

Perhaps the router is too close. Never thought of that. Thanks.
