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How to scan from MX394 via network?


Heya canon admins,


ive been trying to look for a toolkit that i can add my multifunctional MX394 printer/scanner on multiple pc's so i can use it as a scanner and a printer.... the printing option right now is working... but i cant scan.... hope you can help me out!!!!!


kindly note that it is WIRED NETWORK 





Rising Star
Looks like you have a European model, so I'm not sure if it works differently. Are you using a Windows or a Mac? What program are you trying to scan from? Are you getting an error message?

i am currently using Windows 8.1, and used the Microsoft scan but it seems its not configured, in additional to that i have downloaded all the available drivers and installed it on my machine,. but it seems it doesn't recognize the scanner on the network

Can you open the IJ Scan utility? If so, what does it say next to the product name (MX390 Series or MX390 Series Network)?

I dont think its a Network series.. its a USB series, since it is connected to a DLINK DPR-1020 USB Multifunction Print Server

As long as the drivers are installed properly then there's probably something going on with the print server. Might want to contact the manufacturer.

Found Solution ... Downloaded the DLINK PS software and linked it to the IP address tot he PC.. made the scanner worrk perfectly