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How do I scan and e-mail with my wireless Pixma MG5520 printer? My operating system is windows 7


When I try to scan a document on my wireless printer the readout tells me "Local USB" . Does that mean that I have to connect a USB cable before I can scan and e-mail?

Thank you for any help.




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@canon_PC wrote:

I want to echo this sentiment.  I have the Pixma MG5420, but I suspect the resolution will be the same.


The desired functionality is to scan a document, and then email it to a specified address without having to leave the printer.  Is this possible?


I have read the Pixma manual entry on this, but found it hard to understand.  It looks like the process involves first sending the document to a PC, and then using a specified program on the PC to email the scan.  Is that correct?



I reinstalled the driver from the canon website. My laptop then showed up under 'local USB'. this enabled me to scan and send the document directly to a folder on my laptop. 

I have not used the direct to email option yet. 

the drivers can be found on this page if you search with your printer's model number.
