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Help! My Canon MG5520 printer is apparently not connected to my late 2013 MacBook Pro!


Help! My Canon MG5520 printer is apparently not connected to my late 2013 MacBook Pro! I have had this printer a few months and everything has been working fine until today. I did I have to turn my wifi router on and off this morning, so I think that might be it. I'm not extremely tech savy, so if anyone could lend a hand, I would appreciate it!! I've tried unplugging it, turning it on and off again, quitting it my from laptop, nothing works. Do I need to reconnect it to the wifi? How do I do this? I turns on fine and doesn't give my any error messages, it'st just my laptop that says it isn't connected. Sorry if this is a stupid question.



Hi amk1


As I understand that your Mac computer prompts that you are not connected to the printer. You have also tried restarting your peripherals(router), turning on and off the printer, restarting your computer but in vain.


Rest assure I will try to assist, kindly advise what Mac version are your running on?


1) Click on the "Apple" on the left top corner

2) Select "About this Mac"

3) Check the version.


In regards to your printer, are you connected wirelessly or using the USB cable to communicate with your Mac?


Kindly also confirm whether are you able to perform a photocopy,


Hope to hear from you,


Best Regards,

