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Connecting TS3522 to new modem for wireless printing


I recently  moved and have been trying to get my TS3522 up and running again. Have succeeded in getting connected printing working on my laptop but no luck with wireless connection. 

I got the Print app set up on my iPHone so I can wirelessly print from my iPhone.  But my laptop-printer connection fails. It keeps saying "Printer offline".  I have read various instructions but honestly when they say hit WPS button or something I don't have names.  I have a button that looks like handcuffs and a button that looks like a ((Qtip)) and which one is WPS on my modem.  

WHen I try to run again it just creates a new printer (-copy 1) and there's no instructions for wireless.  One thing said press the (( Qtip ))  button and then the button on the modem but nothing happens except the printer keeps blinking. 

I thought I had it twice, actually printed something but there were two printers (one and -copy 1) and one worked connected and one wireless.

Could it be a setting on my modem?  And if so how do I change it?   I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge but really it shouldn't be so complicated.  I had it working at my old house so I know at least the printer once worked wirelessly.  I have an Xfinity modem which has given me fits location wise but I don't think that should make any difference. 


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