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transferring video from PS SX530


I have questions about the transfer of photos and videos from

SX 530 to my Dell laptop.  First, why does my Paint Shop Pro open up when I insert the memory card, and then I have to use it to import the photos.  Next, I have a video that doesn't show up when I go to transfer. It plays on the camera, but the folder shows empty.  Can anyone help?



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi vslick,


I suggest that you use our CameraWindow program to download photos and videos from the camera. Other programs might not properly recognize some of the files on the camera.


To get the software, let's start by going to


On the new page that loads, click on DRIVERS & DOWNLOADS link on the top right. Enter your camera model in the prompt, select it from the options that load under the box, and then press the GO button.


When the camera page loads, click on the DRIVERS & DOWNLOADS heading, if it is not already selected. At this point you'll see an option for CameraWindow.


Select it and follow the prompts to download it to your computer.


The file you download is actually a zipped file. When it finishes downloading, you'll want to right click it and select the EXTRACT option. This will create another folder by the zipped file with the same name. Open the folder and double click the file, and that should start the installer.


Once the program loads, connect the camera by USB, turn it and press the play button, and then launch Camera Window, which you should find in PROGRAMS - CANON UTILITIES.


Here's my best guess. Open Panit Shop Pro and search the tool bar for a menu listed as "Preferences" or "Settings". Scroll thru all the choices looking for a mention of something like "Open Paint Shop Pro When Downloading Images From Camera (or memory card)". Click the marker next to this choice if it is selected. You might have to reboot Windows for the change to take effect.


If you have Canon Camera Connect installed you may have to do a similar search of its Preferences or Settings. Have you made any recent changes to Windows file preferences in the way it opens JPEG files? Sometimes installing new software may try to change the files' default associations, though usually it will ask you to verify the changes.

Thank you.  I am unable to find anything about PSP opening when memory stick is inserted,  but thanks for trying.  I'm looking into other possibilities.


Are you downloading your files using Windows Explorer or are you connecting with Canon Camera Window or something similar? Have you tried using a card reader to download your files? Are you using a full-size SD card or a Micro SD card with an adapter?


Your video files probably don't download thru PSP since it has no way to open and play videos and doesn't recognize the file type. Canon's Camera Window software or Windows Explorer should allow you download any still or video file types.

Thank you so much.  This helped a lot.

Hugs, Ginny

You're welcome. But you might post here just exactly what you did that solved your problem in case someone else is experiencing the same issues.


Did you end up using a card reader and/or copy your files using Windows Explorer?
