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sx420is questions


I just bought sx420is and would love to learn more about taking good pictures. I cannot find a place to get the info. Anyone here have one?



Hi, Fionna!


If you don't mind us chiming in, you can easily achieve the effect you're looking for on the PowerShot SX420 IS by putting your camera in Portrait mode.  This sets up the camera to take a photo with your subject in focus and the scenery blurred.  The camera does this by adjust its aperture to the widest opening it can achieve under the lighting conditions.


You'll find more information on this mode on page 43 of your manual, which you can find right HERE.  While the manual shows a person as the subject, your subject can be anything you want.


Hope this helps!

No that is not working either. I have tried so many pics and the background is still not coming out blurry.  Here is a site that talks about it, but I still cannot get it to blur,



Have patience and later on you will get it by so many trials.

Here is what i did with my powershot, Select Scn ( scene mode ) on control dial knob, press  center knob ( function/set ) and select portrait. Again digital zoom and auto focus off from menu, manualy  focusing a near object ( less than one foot away and the background is far enough - say 100 yards. The background appears as distorted in LCD but  the focused object is clear. If the background is within 20 feet or less away from the focused object , the background is not blurred.

Hi Fionna,


Thanks for posting.


In addition to the Portrait mode, suggested previously, I'd also use change your camera's AF (AutoFocus) Frame setting.


To do this, power your camera on and press the MENU button. Next, scroll down "AF Frame", then use the left or right buttons to select "Center". Once you focus on your subject by pressing and holding the shutter release halfway down, you may move your camera for the best composition, then press the shutter release the rest of the way down to take the photo.


If your subject is too small to take up the entire AF Frame, try reducing its size. Just below "AF Frame", you'll see "AF Frame Size". On this setting, use the right or left arrow to select "Small".

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Thank you so  much. This explains it great, just what I wanted.

Another way to compare the photo results is to select different ISO number. Press func/set button, select ISO, select from highest, then take a shot and do it again selecting the next lower ISO, and compare the  photos to select which one you like and try more the next lower ISO. If the you selected lower ISO the LCD is darker then stop it.

Enjoy photography.

Thank you Richard, I will give that a try too.
