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Windows 8.1 doesn't start Camera Window when Canon SX110IS is connected


When my Canon SX110IS is connected and turned on, Device Manager shows the camera as a connected Portable Device; and clicking Start/Control Panel/AutoPlay/Devices lists the Canon SX110IS and shows "Downloads Images from Canon Camera (Canon CameraWIndow)" as the action to take when camera is connected; however, when the camera is connected and turned on, Windows 8.1 doesn't start the CameraWindow program.



Just go to "This PC" and open the camera and grab the images manually. much more control that way anyway. hit WINKEY + S to bring up search and type "This PC" if you're having trouble finding it. Nothing beats the good old file manager.


Even better point though...why aren't you just popping the SD card into your computer's reader? I never connect any of my cameras to the computer.

Solution: I thought that setting preferences using Windows 8.1 Control Panel / AutoPlay would make those actions happen.  NOT SO!  You MUST ALSO click to select "Use AutoPlay for all media and devices" at the top of the AutoPlay window.  When you have your preferences set for your Media Card and your Canon Camera, AND have that also selected, the preferred actions you chose WILL take place when you either connect your camera to your computer via USB cable and turn the camera on, or insert your SD card in your computer.


In answer to why I connect via USB cable rather than inserting the SD card, it takes the same time for me to open the AV door and connect a USB cable between the camera and the computer as it does to open the battery door, remove the SD card, and insert it in the computer.  So I guess it just depends on which mode you prefer to use.

except that connecting via usb you can't edit/preview your files as easily since it's in read-only mode. SD card is the preferable way to go when possible.
