What cable to order for a PS G9 X


What cable to order for a PS G9 X


I ordered a cable from Amazon that said it was for the Canon Power shot.
I guess that either there are different Power shot cable plugs or they mislabeled their product.

Can someone describe to me what cable to use(Description)?
I have several USB cables none of them fit.

I ordered one the first time and it may not work.
Since it is such an odd cable size one would think it would have been included in the box.



Hello Greg14, 

The correct USB cable for the PowerShot G9X would be the Interface Cable IFC-600PCU.  This is used to connect the camera to a computer or printer.  

For further assistance ordering, please call our Canon Sales Department at (800) OK-CANON (652-2666) between 8:00 am and midnight EST, seven days a week.

Sales agents can assist you with product information and dealer locations. For further information, please visit the Canon website at:


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Hopefully this solves my problem, 

Well problem solved.

Amazon lists wires that state "For Canon Powershot Cameras" Unfortunately not all PS cameras take the same wire and compounding the issue is that Canon in their instruction book do not mention that a particular wire IF-C 600PCU is the one that is needed.
There are many USB Mini cables ranging in different numbers then 600.


For future guidance if needed for other inquires,
