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SX280 - battery life shooting video




I apologize to the forum for mixing two different problems.  They are unrelated.


Problem #1:  User error.  I thought I was using a class 6 SD card but I was wrong. The yellow "!" indicates a pathologically slow card.  Upgrading to a class 10 resolved this problem.


Problem #2: UNRESOLVED.  Red battery indicator comes on prematurely.  On a fresh charge, it'll turn red after recording for a couple of minutes.  On a partially drained battery, it turns red immediately upon entering movie mode or pressing the record button.  Turn the camera off and then right back on in "still" mode and it shows full charge and works fine ... until trying to shoot video.  I have not precisely measured recording times but it'll record for at least 20 (maybe 30?) minutes while flashing red.




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no user review i've seen mentions the amount of video time was used before the indicator goes crazy. everyone says "a few minutes".


have you all been trying to video continuously, that is, as long as you could? there's a guy on youtube who shot video in "small chunks"...sounded like he meant 5 - 7 minute chunks, with no problem. i don't know if he turn the camera off and on in between, but practically speaking, why would anyone video for any time longer than a couple of minutes. like for instance, in slow mo, you can only shoot video for 30 seconds - that is just a functionality built into that mode.


just wondering.....thx

The previous 111 pages of this thread lay out in excruciating, maddening detail exactly what the problem is and what's been done to try to fix it - mostly on the part of customers. You'll also note the vast majority of people here who've purchased this camera have either returned it or regretted not doing so.


The bottom line for most of us is this: What good is it having a camera that won't accurately tell you when the battery is running out and it's going to just shut down. Yes, you can restart the camera and shoot some more stills. But what have you missed while the camera was out of commission?


Despite our efforts over the past year to educate and warn our fellow consumers about this debacle of a camera, someone comes along every once in a while and seems to think they'll get an sx280 that actually works - and they're sorely disappointed. You seem to be looking for an excuse to buy the camera, so go ahead. Prove us wrong and report back.


i just talked to a canon tech supp. she said "on the serial#, if the 6th digit from the left(7th from the right) is a 2, 1, or 0, it is a faulty product

You didn't understand it correctly, if any number any position is any natural number then is a defective unit.



How to Identify Cameras that are eligible for the Firmware Update:
Please check the serial number on the bottom of the camera.
This firmware update is for products with the following serial numbers.

■Serial number
Products whose sixth digit from the left is “2” or less
[*****2******] , [*****1******] , [*****0******]"

If the number is 3 or more you dont need to update the firmware, it come updated, but is exactly the same machine and the problem is not solved.

It's surprising take a Sony or Panasonic and the batteries last many times longer even on the new  SX700 when shooting videos....  why the descrepency?


BTW the battery in the SX700 is nothing to write home about it's only a 1060 mA/Hr, 60mA/Hr more compared to the SX280


One local emporium are selling the SX700 the same price as the SX280  the SX700 is surely a dearer camera sounds strange to me - are they telling me something here?


They never stocked the SX280 and the SX270  they were marked - 'Available at the end of the month' or 'Available in 5 - 8 days,'   I wonder if they will ever stock the SX700 not that I am interested now? When the SX280 first came out they said they would Email me when in stock - still waiting.... I'm glad they didn't.



Miltk, I think I speak for everyone here in saying you should definitely buy the sx280. Thanks for bringing that firmware update to our attention. I don't think anyone here ever tried anything like that over the past year! If a Canon rep says the problem is fixed, it must be, right? Let us know how it works!

@UnionStation wrote:
Miltk, I think I speak for everyone here in saying you should definitely buy the sx280. Thanks for bringing that firmware update to our attention. I don't think anyone here ever tried anything like that over the past year! If a Canon rep says the problem is fixed, it must be, right? Let us know how it works!

Miltk, if English isn't your native language, please look under "sarcasm" in the dictionary.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

The firmware up date definitely does NOT work. Don't buy this lemon. What Canon says and what happens are two different things.
