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SX280 - battery life shooting video




I apologize to the forum for mixing two different problems.  They are unrelated.


Problem #1:  User error.  I thought I was using a class 6 SD card but I was wrong. The yellow "!" indicates a pathologically slow card.  Upgrading to a class 10 resolved this problem.


Problem #2: UNRESOLVED.  Red battery indicator comes on prematurely.  On a fresh charge, it'll turn red after recording for a couple of minutes.  On a partially drained battery, it turns red immediately upon entering movie mode or pressing the record button.  Turn the camera off and then right back on in "still" mode and it shows full charge and works fine ... until trying to shoot video.  I have not precisely measured recording times but it'll record for at least 20 (maybe 30?) minutes while flashing red.




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Only my opinion. I love the camera pictures, zoom and takes gorgeous video. That being said, with

the battery problems unresolved I would hold off, pick another brand or go for the SX260HS, which was the predecessor. Since I am past the return date I am wedded to this camera. The current battery instability (no pun intended) is past unacceptable.

thomasdavies, lots of us have returned this camera because it failed to live up to expectations. A lot of the good people in this group are hanging on either because they're past the return window, or are earnestly hoping Canon will make good on what its advertising promises. My advice is that the sx280 is not worth the hassle.


I fixed the battery problem.  I returned the camera.  No camera, no battery problem!

Correction: you fixed your battery problem, not the battery problem.

@ThomasDavies wrote:

Should i buy this camera? Is it worth the money??

If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't. Although, if you only occasionally or never shoot video, it's a pretty great camera. Image quality is very good, it's packed with features, it operates fast and smooth. No complaints about stills, even regarding the battery. Very good AF, IS systems. Nice image quality, good in low light, pretty sharp lens.


If you're a photo-only guy, your biggest complaint is likely to be ergonomics. As others have said the flash is in a bad place and I find that it starts a chain reaction of finger-shifting that keeps putting my digits in contact with buttons where they shouldn't be, such as the "play" button on back or worse, the power button on top. But, these are all first-world problems, I guess. I would say this: If the price plummets to the lower or mid 200s because of the video/battery problems, itd be a great buy for a travel still camera.


I think the last time I looked the price was $269 ($60 less than what I paid B&H for the pleasure).

... I would say this: If the price plummets to the lower or mid 200s because of the video/battery problems, itd be a great buy for a travel still camera.


Just checked and Amazon has it for $260.15.


I put a fresh battey in, formatted the SD card and took three videos (no stills). About ten seconds before the third video ended the flashing low battery symbol came on. I did use the zoom a lot but only when I saw something interesting as I panned outside. The total video time was about eleven minutes. When I turned the camera back on again in video mode and began recording, battery indicator indicated a full battery, even was able to zoom with no warning. The battery indicator in video mode takes a giant leap from full to dangerously low with nothing displayed in between. Something is very wrong. Oh, I have the updated firmware.


@pawl wrote:

I think the last time I looked the price was $269 ($60 less than what I paid B&H for the pleasure).

... I would say this: If the price plummets to the lower or mid 200s because of the video/battery problems, itd be a great buy for a travel still camera.


should that really matter? Should we have to source better batteries for a camera we have paid good money for?

Fair enough, we all like that extra bit of battery time, but this is a problem with the camera firmware. I love the camera, but it went back yesterday. I've decided that wifi aint really such a big deal, and that once the initial 'novelty' has gone, I'd probably stick the mem card in the laptop or tablet as I have always done. I got the olympus SZ31 and I love it. It was cheaper with a spare battery.

No issues with it at all. It does what it says it will. You shouldn't have to buy extra to compensate for its short comings.

I too was holding on hoping for a fix, as I really like the pictures this camera takes.  I successfully updated the firmware, however, it still exhibits the "Red Battery of Death".. lol


I am past my return window by a couple of weeks, however, I just sent an email off to Amazon requesting a full refund.


Hopefully they will allow it.


Can somebody recommend a replacement camera which will take similar quality pictures?



I'm also past my return window with amazon but like you tprevett, sent an email for full refund because of this defective camera....
