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SX100 IS with Memory Card Error


My PowerShot SX100 IS works well with 8GB SanDisk Ultra HC1 memory card for 2+ years. But recently upgrading to 64GB SanDisk Ultra XC1 only reveals a Memory Card Error. Is there a GB limit and what would it be?



It's very likely your camera doesn't recognize it because the camera was designed / manufactured before the new card format was. Check for a firmware update by going to Canon's site (click their logo above) and click through the appropriate menu items in the SUPPORT area.


"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Footlooze,


Because your camera was designed before the SDXC standard was finalized, it is not compatible with that standard.


You may still use the SDHC memory cards, with capacities of up to 32GB.

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Hello cicopo, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately there is no firmware update available for my Canon. Peace.

Hello Richard, Your suggestion is the resolution. Just staying with the SDHC memory card format, but limited to 32GB?bummer. Thank you for your help.