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SD 750 new memory card


Hello All

I have a power shot SD 750 and it might be few years old but its a trusted camera and i love to use it

just recently i ran out of space on the 2gb memory card and had to purchase a bigger one ( 8gb)

my quesation is how do i transfer all the pictures from the old memory stick to new one, i have few seperate folders made in the DCIM folder on the old memory stick that were created with the camera > id like to have all the old pictur4es with me

i do not hava a car reader and woudl prefer not to buy one . so far i have copied all the folders from the memory card to my desktop and tried pasting it back to the new card but it woudl not let me do it

any suggestions would be appreciated , thanks



any help at all would be great, ill buy a card reader if I have to


Hi bartaholic!


Thank you for asking about this.  You mentioned that your computer would not allow you to transfer the images and folders back to the new SD card.


  1. Did you receive some sort of error message?
  2. What operating system is on your computer?

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hello and thanks for answering

Im operating windowns 7


the only ero message i get is "the device has either stopped responding or has been diconnected. The camera may not support copying files from your computer"


than i get an option to

stop copying,

skip file




I really would like to keep all the pictures and have access to them on the bigger memory card


Might be your files are infected, just scan them with a good antivirus. rename the folders save that folders on a new locations and then transfer the photos to new memory card.




  1. When you receive the error message, does it look like your camera has gone to sleep?
  2. Are you transferring the images directly to the camera in Windows Explorer or are you using the Canon software to do this?
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why would the filesw be infected? and how? they were on the camera all this time. but just in case i had them scanned and all are clear

 i tried to rename one file jus to test it out still no luck, same problem


i can not tell if the camera has gone to sleep, however little green LED to the right of the screen is on, but the lcd display is off


im transfering the images via windows explorer, i can not find the CD that came with this camera





The most simplest way to get the images back onto the memory card is to use an actual USB card reader.  You would insert the card and copy of paste the old images onto the new card.  In terms is simplicity, this is the absolute best option. 


If this is a time sensitive matter, please feel free to Contact Us

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If I do that using card reader can I copy pictures directly from desktop or do I need dual card reader and copy card to card ?