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Powershot G5X mark ii: Cannot see the focal length in PSAM


In Auto mode moving the zoom lever shows the focal distance (24 - 120 mm). However in PSAM and C mode the display shows values like 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm to infinity. How can I see the focal length or convert these values to focal lengths in PSAM modes? This is necessary to calculate things like Depth of Field.


Shall we accept it as a solution that this wonderful compact camera Canon PowerShot G5X mark ii does shows the focal ditsnce of its 8.8-44 mm lens only in Auto mode, but not in PSQM and C modes?

Why does the exposure mode in the lower part of the screen show multiple bars? Are you in some kind of bracketing mode?

Here is another picture without any bars. It's in P (Program mode). So, what is the focal distance at 15 cm?20200917_172209.jpg

Why does the exposure mode in the lower part of the screen show multiple bars? Are you in some kind of bracketing mode?


Here is another picture showing 10cm to infinity. Here are all distances you can get by moving the zoom from 8.8mm to 44mm focal distance: 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, all in cm to infinity. What do they mean? What is the DoF at the third 10cm, f/8 and subject at 4 m?20200917_225847.jpg

I suspect these *are * the DOF.

I think what you're seeing is the reported possible auto-focus range at a given zoom point. In this image, zoomed about two-thirds out, the camera is saying it is capable of focusing on objects between 15 cm and infinity. If you widen the lens to wide angle, it should change to 5 cm to infinity (I think -- mine is in inches ad shows 1.9 inches as the minimum focal distance). This is there as a reminder that when you zoom, the MFD is farther from the lens.

Also, where and when are you seening the zoom distance (24 - 120)? I've been playing with mine in Auto and cannot find it.


The only way I found is by using the Step Zoom feature in Auto mode (Auto mode, then use the ring to set the focal length), then leave the ring where it is and switch to a PSAM or C mode, then shoot -- it becomes easy to switch to A mode, change the focal length, then switch back to PSAM etc.  The limitation is that with Step Zoom you're limited to just a few preset focal lengths.  I can't find any other way to see the focal length in PSAM modes. -- this should be available!

Step Zoom is available in PSAM by using a custom function II, set the control ring to step zoom. This overrides the default control in those modes.

Now adjust zoom with control ring, not the lever, it will show the 35mm equivalent

The indicator at the top when the zoom lever is moved shows focusable range, eg on max telephoto  it cannot focus closer than 20cm, whereas maximum wide angle it can focus as close as 5cm.

For DOF calculation also you need to measure focus distance, which the camera does not tell you and the f stop, plus information on the sensor etc. I use an app SetMyCamera (which includes G5X II), so sensor data is built in - for DoF set it to the G5X actual zoom setting, not the 35 mm equivalent (divide 35mm equivalent by 24/8.8, ie 2.73). eg at 50mm (35 mm equivalent), actual 18.3mm, at max aperture which is f2.5, focus at 10 ft, the app says 8' to 13.5' will be in focus.

