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PowerShot SX70 HS Pics are soft and lack detail


My previous camera was a SX 520 HS PowerShot.  My favorite setting was LIVE.  I got the most beautiful, clear, sharp photos using that setting.  It started making funny sizzling sounds, the screen would go black and shut down.  I got a new SX 70 HS and have yet to get a nice clear shot.  I am having the hardest time with all the settings.  All my photos have soft edges.  I captured the dimples on the moon with my old camera.  Now, not even close.

My question is, is there a setting I have not found on my new SX 70 HS that compares to the LIVE setting on my old  SX 520 HS.

Thank you in advance...Adrienne



For me DPP (Canon) worked just fine. If you want to "photoshop", you will need that program.

 But for everything else: DPP



Hi Mathieu...thanks, I know you had mentioned DPP before.  I have actually been looking at that Rebel T7 you had mentioned.  It looks like a really nice camera.

When you download that DPP, does it actually take over like a photo program and grab all your photos in your other program or do you have to actually download individual photos to adjust.

Also, I had mentioned this before but don't know if you saw this...

"One think I noticed with the SX70 is, even on a tripod using a remote switch, when the picture is taken, I notice the tiniest little jump in the subject. At first I thought it was me, that's why I got the remote switch. But after using a tripod and the switch and I'm not touching the camera at all, I still notice the slightest blip as the shutter closes and I wonder if this is why the subjects are not sharp??? Have you experienced that?"

Any comment on that?

you can use DPP for free or pay for Lightroom or Topaz

EOS R7 + EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM

I think on a tripod you have to switch of IS

Oh, ok, I'll look...thank you.  There is so much more on this camera than my 520, I forget to check some of the features and settings.
