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Help: PowerShot SX700 HS Screen cracked


I have a camera of very sentimental value, and I dropped it a few months ago and have not been able to find someone to fix it. Physically it is mostly ok, with the screen only having a small crack in the corner and the camera still being functional, but the display is broken. There are lines all over the screen and a black spot that blocks me from seeing photos that I take. I understand that these models may not be serviced anymore but if anyone has spare parts for a Canon Powershot SX700 HS or knows where I can ship it to be serviced please help me out. I would hate to have to say goodbye to this camera because it has been in my family for a long time, and was still in good condition prior to me dropping it.



Hi eezenwa. Thanks for letting us know what Canon product you've got. The PowerShot SSX700 HS is an older model which we have retired. While that means that Canon USA no longer offers direct support for it, your friends here in the Canon Community are welcome to offer suggestions!

You can also speak with a Canon Upgrade Program specialist to help you find a modern replacement that would meet your current needs at a discount. You can reach them weekdays and Saturdays at 1-866-443-8002.

Hope this helps!
