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PowerShot G7 X Mark II firmware update menu item missing


I am trying to download new firmware, but the menu item seems to be missing.

Is there a way I can direct connect camera to computer to do the firmware update.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello corncrop,

In order to access all menu items, make sure that you set the camera to one of the Creative modes such as, P, Av, Tv, or M. I would suggest setting the camera to the P mode for doing the firmware update.


It's still not working for me.

Not applicable

Have you downloaded the firmware update file and read the directions to install on the camera? If so, what is not working for you?  Follow these instructions exactly. Do not use the power button to turn on the camera, use the playback button (triangle) to turn the camera on. The firmware update menu will appear if you do it this way.

Screenshot 2023-09-17 152216.jpg


I had the same problem and fixed it by following the advice on this post

I copied the firmware update to the SD card on a Mac, and per this post the file had an extended attribute which was preventing the G7X from picking it up. Running the xattr command on the .FI2 file to remove the attribute fixed the issue for me.

I'm having the same problem. Pulled out my camera after not using it for quite a while. Cannot connect with my phone etc.. Says that I need a Firmware update. I have no idea what version that I have. I have done what is suggested above.


I downloaded: PowerShot G7 X Mark III Firmware Update, Version 1.3.2 [Windows]

Put the SD card in my camera. 

Turned it on using the playback button that is directed above. Did this using several different modes as suggest by someone above.

My menu is different. Only 2 tabs and not 3 like the one above.

Any other help would be appreciated.  Maybe I need to go back and get some other updates first?
