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PowerShot G1X mk2 vs G7X mk2


I am considering getting a Canon PowerShot.
For the moment, I have narrow the selection to G1X mk2 and G7X mk2.
Online, there are a lot a web sites that recommend either G1X mk2 or G7X mk2.

G1X has a bigger CMOS sensor but an older DIGIC 6 processor.
G7X has a smaller BSI CMOS sensor with a newer DIGIC 7 processor.

G7X has a higher resolution (21MBytes) and G1X only 12MBytes (to see on the screen or to do a "normal" print 12 MB should be more than OK - in my opinion). On the other hand, G1X has launched more than three years ago and G7X one year ago.

I am interested in (1) landscape photography, (2) daytime family events, (3) night events (e.g. diner with friends) but without flash, (4) night landscape and I would like to try stargazing...

Which camera do you think would perform better?

Best Regards,




Normally for 1 and 2, this would be a tie. For item 3,and 4 with low light shooting, the larger sensor would usually produce the better results. However, the G7x MkII has a faster lens to the long end of the zoom, which should be an advantage over the larger sensor of the G1x MkII. The G7x MkII also has star trails, star mode, and star nightscape modes built in, But, the G1x MkII has a longer zoom, not by much, but it does go to 120mm, while the G7x MkII only goes to 100mm. Factor in the G7x MkII being $100.00 USD less, and I would opt for the G7x MkII.  As for the MegaPixel counts, they're important for printing larger size prints, and the files for the G7x MkII are very large. Keep in mind both of these cameras have slow focusing in lower light situations, and have a tendency to hunt a lot for a focus lock.


For the same price you could get an SL1 or T6i DSLR that would perform better. I take it the size of the camera is a factor in the decision.


Steve M.

Rising Star

Powershot works well only in auto mode, if you use other mode there is a tendency of color problem in flash photography and white balance adjustment. And in case of accidental power on, the lens pop up and it will destroy the motor lens if there is an obstruction like placed on a tight bag. I like the zooming capability and  features it gives like you can pair it with phone and post in social media, and handy to use.

Buy a EOS  Rebel with interchangeable lens even late model because gives an ease of use, manual manipulation of camera is the best practice to get a nice result. Resolution choice is depending on budget, the higher the better for cropping or enlarging printout.  Lens is better for macro photo.

New model has many new features but  if you will use it for an occasion only, pocket camera is good. If you are a hobbyist select powershot, if you are intending to be a part/full  time photographer  interchageable lens is that I suggest.

Interesting that you see issues in manual modes with the PowerShots. I use my PowerShot G12 and SX150 only in manual mode, and the colors are always accurate, even with the flash. On the G series, the White Balance can be set to a  custiom white balance, and can be further tweaked in case the color is a little off. That is one reason I like the G series for enthusiasts.


But I do believe the EOS would be a better choice as well. I agree about the lens issue as I have had that happen to me after the warrranty expired on my camera. Very expensive to repair, almost the cost of a new camera. But if the size is an issue, perhaps an EOS-M would suffice.


Steve M.


Don't fall into the belief system that says more megapixels automatically means a better picture.  It most definitely does not.  What makes the biggest difference is the size of the photosites, or pixels, on the image sensor.  The bigger the image sensor pixels, the more light that can be captured.  The more light that you capture translates directly into better contrast and more details.


A larger image sensor, but with a lower megapixel rating, will probably have larger photosites on the image sensor, than a smaller sensor with a higher megapixel rating.  The slightly more advanced processors may or may not necessarily be an advantage.  Both the DIGIC 6 and DIGIC 7 are recent releases.


1.  For landscape photography, you generally want a wide angle lens.  I prefer the 35mm equivalent of 24mm, or shorter.  Having a good tripod can allow you to create panoramas with longer lenses.  Turn the camera to portrait position to do this.

2.  For outdoor events, a standard range zoom with a 35mm equivalent range from wide angle (24mm) to moderate telephoto (85mm) focal lengths can work well.  Another zoom range that is popular with professionals is 70-200mm zoom lenses.  


3. Night events without a flash would push the performance limits of the best professional gear.  A pro would select a wide aperture lens with an f/1.2 aperture, something which a Powershot just simply cannot do.  Most built-in flash units are good for fill flash scenarios.  The built-in flashes are weak, so as not to drain the camera batteries too quickly, and barely reach 8-10 feet.


4. For photographing the night sky, you want an ultra-wide angle lens (14mm, or shorter), preferably on with an f/2.8, or better, aperture.  The reasons for this are long and complicated.  The recommendation for 14mm is for a full frame DSLR, which has a MUCH larger image sensor.  To get the same angle of view with a smaller PowerShot sensor would require a lens in the 4-8mm range.  While a PowerShot's built-in lens doesn't approach those specs, you can still take reasonably good shots of the night sky.  It will just be a little more difficult to include landscapes in your shots of the stars.


Which camera do I recommend?  If you wish to do all of that stuff, then I would recommend a DSLR, like the Rebel T7i, T6i, or T6s.  The Rebel T6 is a pretty good camera, too, but it usually comes with a much older lens design in the Canon Camera kits.

The mirrorless M- Series cameras are another possibility.  They have the same APS-C size image sensors as Canon's Rebel Series of DSLRs.  They are as small as a PowerShot, but allow for interchangeable lenses, which is probably the biggest strike against an all-in-one Point & Shoot camera like PowerShots.  Some P&S cameras are very difficult to repair, because they cannot be re-assembled by hand.  Consider that last issue, too, before invest several hundred dollars in a camera.  P&S cameras are great for use in a particular niche, and are less flexible that camera bodies that use interchangeable lenses.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

You know I judge the printout ( CVS or Target ) and not in the camera  LCD. I said color is a little bit not true if using flash beacuse it magnified the vividness of color. Example is a wooden floor with a yellowish when shot with a flash a little bit orange is the result in printout. White balance is hard to adjust and flash Ev gives a unwanted effects.


Thank-you all for your reply.

I actually own an old EOS film Rebel 2000 and a compact camera.
Since I have being using more often the compact camera because it is small (fits any place) and normally it is always available with me.

The idea (maybe I am wrong) to get a compact camera like the PowerShot G1X / G7X is because it not so bulky as a DSLR and should be perform closer to a DSLR (instead to a cheaper compact camera).

My understanding is that I should be fine with either of the cameras.
Following the above reply I will have a look on the mirrorless M- Series cameras but for the moment I am thinking on the compact camera.
