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PowerShot G16 macro mode does not focus on object but focus on background


I am having trouble with my new PS G16.  When trying to photograph a small item in macro mode, the camera focusses on the background instead.  It occurs even when the item fills most of the focussing rectangle.


Product Expert
Product Expert
Hi houstonia, So we may better assist you, please let us know the shooting mode you're using (i.e. "Auto", "P", "Tv", "Av", etc).
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P mode

You might be too close to the item you are trying to photograph, but with a range of 0.4 inches (1 cm) to 1.6 feet (50 cm) I kind of doubt that. It sounds like the focus point is not on the item that you are shooting. Press the AF Frame selector button and move the box with the left/right/up/down arrows until you have the box over the item you want in focus, then take the shot.


Steve M.

I made a point to be sure that I am within range.  Also, I set the camera to magnify the area of focus and to reduce the AF frame size, so I am sure that I am focussing on the right item.


Sometimes it focusses just right.  As I try to get more photos of the same item, it suddenly losses focus and will not focus again on the item.  After a while I give up.    I think there is something wrong with the camera 

It happens in auto mode with mine. Very frustrating!

Are you hand holding the camera or using a tripod? Most macro shots lose focus because we move ever so slightly when we press the shutter button, causing the camera to use another focal point. The G16 has the capability to lock the focus so that when you are ready to shoot, the camera won't try to refocus. I would use that and a tripod  with a 2 second delay and you should see better results.


Steve M.

Hand holding. It works sometimes and others not. I can't use a tripod for what I'm doing. I need to close up pictures of eyes to monitor corneal transplants. No way to set up a tripod over a patients bed. My daughter has the same camera and she uses portrait mode. It seems to work better. I'll know for sure the next time I do bedside pics.


I love my Powershot G16 but sometimes, in Auto or P mode, it just will not focus. It goes very out of focus and you can hear the motor going backwards and forwards. The only solution seems to be to turn it off and on again. Any thoughts anyone?
