Power Shot G12 malfunction


G12 is malfunctioning - buttons don't work, camera does not respond - cannot zoom, get menu to open up, etc.  Not the first time this has happened - and forum boards show this is a chronic problem with this camera.  Is Canon going to recall or fix to stand behind their product?  This camera was not cheap - I cannot just throw away $500.


Have you had any resolution? All the tips about tapping it, turning it upsidedown and blowing out debris, have not helped me. I haven't ever gotten it wet or dropped it or anything.


JN, is your camera not still covered by the warranty?


Hi JN,


Thank you for posting.  At this point, it appears that the camera will need to be repaired.  This can be done by our Factory Service Center.  To start the repair process, you'll need to complete a Repair Request on our website.


If the camera is more than a year old, you may participate in the Canon Loyalty Program instead.  The Canon Loyalty Program option allows you to replace your current camera for a discounted fee, plus shipping.  The original non-functioning camera would then be returned to Canon USA for recycling using a prepaid shipping label that would be provided.  

If you would like to take part in this option, please call our Sales Department at (800) OK CANON (800-652-2666) seven days a week, 8am to Midnight.  Let them know you have been working with online support and the Canon Loyalty Program was offered.  Be sure to have your serial number for your camera at the time of your call.



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I bought my g12 4 years ago in Bryan, Texas. I'm living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. How can I apply to loyal program for replacement? I can send the camera to my daughter who's living in Bryan. Could she make the correspondent actions? The camera is having all the problems referred by g12 customers. Please your advice.

Hi Claudiolijalad,


Yes. Once your daughter has your camera, please ask her to contact our Presales and Accessories Department.  She may reach them by calling (866) 443-8002 between 8:00 AM and midnight ET, seven days a week.  They'll be able to provide information regarding the available models, pricing and availability.

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As a last ditch elffort you can try removing the battery, hold the power switch on for at least 30 seconds replace the battery and try again'

good luck!

Thank you, both.